I am writing to you to demand that you and the Irvine City Council provide the leadership our city needs to revise and adopt important changes to policing. Most succinctly, these fall within a set of eight (8) practices that together can reduce the likelihood of extreme police violence against citizens by 72%. These practices are: ban chokeholds and strangleholds, require de-escalation, require warning before shooting, exhaust all other means before shooting, duty to intervene, ban shooting at moving vehicles, establish use of force continuum, require all force be reported. https://8cantwait.org/ Our city police force has reported that they adhere to only 5 of these 8 practices. I am very surprised to learn that our officers are not required to warn before shooting. Most upsetting is to learn that they have no duty to intervene! Doubtless, having a use of force continuum protocol in place would act as a significant action guide in the heat of the moment. Implementing these three practices will make a great difference in the safety of all citizens. https://8cantwait.org/city/irvine-ca

I have been proud to live in this community for 27 years, but know that we can improve our city and that the time for such improvement is NOW. We cannot wait longer to enact these changes. As a city built upon a forward looking philosophy, Irvine must strive to move forward in this time of crisis by improving police procedures.

I urge you to provide the leadership our first-class city requires NOW.